

Alright. Yesterday i finished 爱情魔法师 already. It was DAMN NICE la. LOL! Anyway, yesterday i slept at 3am. Not because of that show but because i was watching videos from youtube. There were just so many videos and one after another, i could not help it. Only until i really felt tired then i finally went to sleep. HAHA... Then this morning, i had to go to the market with my mum. She woke me up at like 9am but i managed to steal another 30 minutes of sleep.

My library books are like collecting dust! ARGH! Never mind. Since i have finished the show, i think i can concentrate on my report and my library books. Talking about the report, everytime i want to start, i become lazy. How to finish like that? Hai... I think i have to find a way man. LOL! Ok la. Stop here. Maybe going IKEA tomorrow but having second thoughts. Hmm...